September 09, 2012

Helping Hand September/October 2012

Who needs a helping hand?  

I do sometimes, I'm sure we all do.

Sometimes it's because we're ill, and it's hard holding it all together, other times it's because our partner is out of work, our expenses are higher than our income (vital ones, not flittery ones) and sometimes it's not because money's an issue, but because doing the physical is the problem.

We can often find the help if we know what we need, where to go, and are happy to ask for it ...
It can be in the form of;  monetary - through organisations such as the red cross or your local community centre;  emotional help - from talking with friends to getting a mental health plan from your local GP;  and physical help - a lot of churches and community groups are happy to get stuck in for an organised working bee, or neighbours can often rally around and help out for a bit with child minding or help with meals.

But what happens when you just can't ASK for help.  That's the case in my family.  When my husband first had his accident we had so much help it was absolutely mind blowing.  There was fundraising to go towards building us a purpose-built home, there were people coming to the hospital and taking me out for lunch, booking me in for massages, taking our daughter off to theme parks or shows to give her regular kid time away from the hospital, but as you would expect, it all slowly peters out.  Now, five years later, my life hasn't got a single bit easier, and people DO offer to help, but they say, "give me a call if you need anything" or "let me know if we can help in anyway."

Well, I'm not going to.  My husband isn't going to either.  Because ASKING for help is REALLY, REALLY hard!  Especially when you've received a lot of help in the past, it can feel like you've had your share, now it's someone else's turn.

That's why I need to offer a helping hand where I can, by way of a friend nomination.  I find it a LOT easier to ask for help for friends, than I do to ask it for myself.

Isn't that the way for most people?  We can get together and organise meals to be made and taken around to a friend who's sick, or a little working bee at their place if its needed, or take their kids to give the parents a break if they're struggling, there are numerous ways we support one another, but I'm sure I'm not alone, I just find it so damn hard to ask for help myself!

So, this is to all of you who know a pregnant couple or new family who needs a helping hand.  In the past we've run the Helping Hand offer through our newsletters, but it's time i started blogging it regularly, so that more people know about it and can nominate a friend in need of a helping hand.


We know that not everybody can have everything they want or need, so we'd like to help out in some small way.  Do you have a friend who's pregnant or just added to their family, and are struggling? 

If you know someone who could truly benefit from a nic-nac nappywrap and carry-all combo (we call it the BIG DAY OUT COMBO) we'd like to hear from you.  

To nominate someone, simply comment below WHY they could benefit from having a nic-nac BIG DAY OUT COMBO.  Please don't nominate yourself.  

We'll review all the stories on the 10th October, and choose THREE deserving winners.  The total giveaway value is over $650 (including freight).  We'll ship to anywhere ...

The winners will be announced in a new blogpost on the 12th October 2012.  

Email if you have any questions about it.

NB: You do not need to check with your friend that they're happy to be included in this helping hand giveaway, as you are not required to supply their names (in fact, we don't want to know!) and they will remain anonymous.  When we post their prize, we'll simply say it's a gift from YOU :) ... we will however mention that you nominated them for our helping hand giveaway - but that's it.  They're lucky to have YOU for a friend!

If you know of a business who might be interested in being part of one of our 6x yearly helping hand giveaways, please ask them to email  and we can chat :)

We have had beautiful feedback from past recipients and their friends who nominated them.  It makes us feel all warm and fuzzy :)

And just a little thing to remember which will really make a BIG difference ... when you offer to help someone, it's a great idea to back it up with booking in a time and place and really MAKE IT HAPPEN!  That way you're not leaving it up to the person to get in touch and follow you up.

Oh, and one more thing - YOU are an awesome friend, and should be proud.  Your friend is lucky to have you :)

When you see this image on our facebook page, please share it.  Share the love!
