February 20, 2012

Show your creative flair!

To win one of the final three nic-nac balloon balls, see how clever you are with words, and make up a little ditty using the nic-nac tag line ...

Either using nic-nac nappywrap or just plain nic-nac.

See how you go :-)

Due to posting this much later than anticipated, you have until 9am WEDNESDAY 22nd Feb 2012 to submit (below) your little ditty.

Enjoy!  xo


  1. Nic-Nac nappywrap
    you are a very clever chap
    hold all my important things,
    Oh my heart sings
    no need for a big bag
    or looking like a dag
    you are so useful and look so cool
    anyone that doesnt have one is such a fool !!!

    1. Dear Meggz ... I did thoroughly enjoy reading this ditty, and especially the bits about not looking like a dag, and look so cool! ha ha ha. Very clever you are! Please email kylie@nic-nac.com.au and I'll organise your TWO balloon balls to be posted! thanks for taking part! xo

  2. ♫wrap wrrrrrrap do the nic-nac Nappy Wrap♪
    Yo yo yoo all you mums, changing stinky bums,
    There's one thing you need before bub is out of your tum,
    They carry all your nappies, wipes and more,
    Throw it in your bag before heading out the door!
    ♫Do the wrap, the wrap, the nic-nac nappy wrap!♪

  3. With a nic-nac nappy wrap,
    Keep your baby clean,
    This product is such a dream

  4. This smart mum, she played one,
    She used Nic-Nic to change baby's bum,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played two,
    She knew Nic-Nac came in many hues,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played three,
    In her Nic-Nac wrap bub slept happily,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played four,
    She had Nic-Nac drink bottles galore,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played five,
    With Nic-Nac balloon balls they had to dive,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played six,
    Nic-Nac Teepees don't need sticks!,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played seven,
    Nic-Nac's help is just like heaven,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played eight,
    Nic-Nac pencil wraps were just great,
    With a Nic-Nap Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played nine,
    Stacking crayons drew lots of lines,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    This smart mum she is no dag!

    This smart mum, she played ten,
    Tree hangers help with organisat-ion,
    With a Nic-Nac Nappywrap, balloon ball and a bag,
    YES this smart mum she is no dag!!

    1. Well done! You deserve to win!

    2. Jessie - wow - that is awesome! You should be doing this for a living - commercials on TV that's where I see your little ditties :-)

      Thanks so much for your awesome effort ... and please email kylie@nic-nac.com.au so that we can arrange your TWO balloon balls to be posted. Thanks for taking part! xo

    3. Wow thankyou!! I don't know about doing this for a living though, I need my sleep lol. I think the adrenaline released when I had finally tweaked this enough that I was happy with it, then hit submit...only to get a red error message kept me awake the rest of the night. I could have cried!! It was sheer relief I felt when I clicked back on the blog to discover it safely there. Thanks again! :)

  5. Nic-Nac Nappywrap, I never told you how I truly feel
    You mean to me a great deal
    Nic-Nac Nappywrap, my dear sweetheart
    Let our roads never go apart.

    Nic-Nac Nappywrap, you are unbelievably beautiful
    Not having found you earlier makes me feel like a fool
    Words cannot express
    How you have captured my heart with such success.

    Nic-Nac Nappywrap, You mean so much to me
    I never knew this could be
    You are my sweetheart day by day
    I hope you will never go away!

  6. When you’re having one of “those” days
    That never seems to end
    Kids are driving you up the wall
    And slowly round the bend

    The cat has taken cover
    She’s nowhere to be found
    Her water bowl is overturned
    Bub is splashing all around

    I get a towel to mop the mess
    But what’s bub chewing on?
    Oh my gosh it’s cat biscuits!!
    Or is it brown crayon?!

    Then I find wet footprints
    All the way to the loo
    And Master 3 happily declaring
    “Mummy I’m doing a poo!”

    The washing pile looks like a mountain
    I just can’t bring myself to explore
    Unidentified objects stick to my feet
    I really must vacuum this floor

    I take a look around
    And get that feeling of dismay
    It’s like the playroom has exploded
    I’m the frazzled mummy cliché

    Then suddenly I have a thought
    What you’d call an epiphany
    We need to get out of this house
    Escape the chaos, be free!!

    Some nice fresh air and sunshine
    Is exactly what we need
    Forget about what must be done
    I am beaten, I concede

    So I grab my Nic-Nac nappywrap
    And pop bub in the Ergo
    Fill the Madison water bottle
    It’s off to the park we go

    We laugh and play and just have fun
    With the balloon ball I had packed
    Such a bouncy, colourful, simple toy
    So handy and compact

    So now it’s time to head back home
    It’s almost dinner time you see
    I call daddy to get take-away
    So we can play in the cowboy teepee!

    Now, the moral of the story is
    When you want to scream “mayday”
    Nic-Nac have just the thing
    That will surely save the day!!

    Their products are designed
    To help you out of strife
    So you can enjoy those little things
    And appreciate your life!!

    1. oh it's long, sorry! i got inspired by my mediocre day lol!

    2. So incredibly clever, I just loved it! Thank you so much for your creativity and effort, I am blown away!!!!

      Please contact kylie@nic-nac.com.au so that we can organise your TWO balloon balls asap!

      Thanks for taking part, Kylie xo

  7. Hi everyone, thank you all so much for taking part in this - I thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the little nic-nac ditties ... so fun, so clever, so much talent out there!!!! The three winners have been notified, and all the balloon balls will be sent out over the next day or two.

    Have you signed up for our newsletters (on our website at www.nic-nac.com.au) as a newsletter is due to go out very soon, and will be announcing a giveaway, competition, helping hand, and more!

    Enjoy, and thanks again!

    Kylie xo
