May 14, 2012

2500 facebook liker competition!

I love a competition ... quiz ... whatever - anything that interacts and gets people thinking and researching - I'm into it!

So, without wanting to announce "here, have a free balloon ball!" with no fun attached to it, I want to do something a bit different.

What is up for offer, to celebrate nic-nac getting to 2500 likers (which is very exciting!) is offer three categories of prizes;

  • kid prize pack; 
  • 1x nic- nac balloon ball, 1x dragon eggs, 1x fairy eggs
  • RRP $25.95

  • parent prize; 
  • 1x nic-nac carry-all
  • RRP $89.95

  1. OK, so now you know what you could win, how do you go about getting your hands on one of these prize packs??!
  2. Share on the nic-nac facebook page, a page that is doing some kind of GOOD for others ... make sure you mention WHY you think they're a GOOD page.
  3. Share on the nic-nac facebook page WHY you love being a parent ... doesn't have to be a novel, can be just a short sentence on why being a parent fills your heart with love, or makes you smile.
  4. Head to the nic-nac website and find a product you didn't know was on there before.  Write about it on YOUR facebook page, tagging nic-nac on the post.
  5. Come back here, and comment below when all your deeds are done, and which prize pack you're keenest to win.

Good luck!


Terms and conditions;
Entries only accepted until 8pm Tuesday 22nd May
Winners will be notified here on the blog, on Tuesday 22nd May, 2012 at 10pm
Winners will be chosen using


  1. all deeds are done, and if i was lucky enough to win, i would love the baby pack

    olivia flanagan (my google account if being silly)

  2. I have done everything, and would definitely prefer the carry-all- my nappy bag is falling apart and with 2 in nappies I really need a decent one. I would love any of the prizes though, as I have kids of all ages and they would be put to use. Thanks :)

    1. Hi Jess, thanks for entering, we'll let you know on Tuesday night!!!! Good luck :-)

    2. Thanks so much :) Just wondering who are the super lucky winners of this competition? I have every finger firmly crossed!

  3. A huge congrats on your milestone!! If I am lucky enough to be picked as a winner I would love to win the parent prize: nic-nac carry-all however I would be able to use all of these! I would love to tell you why but it's secret squirrel ;p

    1. Hey Kell ... secret squirrel sounds exciting :-) Good luck!!! xo

  4. All done. Hard to share and tag on a mobile but I think I got around it :)
    Love the parent prize if I'm the lucky winner.
    (I am soooo in love with your teepees!!!)

    Thanks :)


  5. Me too! All done! Love the dragon ball fairy ball prize if I win. xxx

  6. congrats 2500 - have done my sharing/deeds etc. if i win would love the kids prize pack which looks like great fun (maybe u should add a pencilwrap in there also lol - ha ha) :)

  7. All done! Tough choice on the prize... would love the kids pack but think I'd choose the parent pack now that I have 2 kiddies in nappies! Congrats on 2500!!

  8. Al done! That was fun looking through your site!! I would love the Parent prize, such a cute nappy bag!! xx Congratulations on 2,500 xx
