For August 2011, we've been running a HELPING HAND competition. All that was required was for someone to nominate a friend in need - whose life could be made better by the gift of a nic-nac nappywrap. We received some lovely nominations, and all of them touched my heart in some way, but the five we've chosen are below, and their emails also.
Please email with details for where to send the nappywraps etc ... we're posting them direct to the winners, so please let us know your friends contact info.
One thing that is clear - these winners are ALL lucky to have you for friends. I hope these nic-nac nappywraps go some way to making life a little simpler. Lots of love to you all! xxx
1. Friends of ours have just found out in the last couple of weeks that they are having a baby. Which is such a shock considering he was told he may never have children. You see our friend almost died on valentines day 2 years ago. He had a forklift fall on him, broke his spine, pelvis and severed nerves down to his leg and his spleen burst. He was in hospital for a year, but she was there everyday for him!! Its been a very long road for the both of them and I am so happy for them. I would love to buy one for her to have for the baby but we are in no better situation, It would be great to be able to get them one though
Therese Newton
* Therese this story about your friend has really touched me (largely due to the fact that when my husband broke his neck he was in hospital for a year and we had to move away from our little town to a city for his rehab, and life has never been the same since. I KNOW first hand how immense this journey has been for them. I would like to offer a carry-all to this little family as well as the nappywrap. Please let me know their details and whether they'd prefer poppy dot or blueberry spot and I'll post it off on Friday. xxx
2. I'd love to nominate my gorgeous friend Nic for a helping hand. Nic has just discovered that she is pregnant with a very precious baby, a wee miracle who snuck in naturally while waiting to do a second IVF cycle.
Nic has been an amazing friend for me, through every stage of this motherhood journey. Recently, while I was sick, she came over on her lunch break from work to look after Eleanor while I slept. This was huge because I have no local family support and I needed a break, no matter how minor! And she bakes a brilliant cupcake.
So I'd like her to discover the nic-nac love. And I'd like to fill it with gorgeous little newborn nappies!
Kath Angus
* Kath you are a gorgeous friend, and I know how much you must mean to Nic. It's lovely that you can be there for each other (and that she bakes a brilliant cupcake!!!! ha ha) Please let me know whether she'd like a poppy dot or blueberry spot, and it will be in the post on Friday.
Renee Paulson X
* Pauline your best friend sounds like she is very deserving of a nic-nac nappywrap, and thanks for your nomination. Please let me know whether she'd like a blueberry spot or poppy dot, and it will be in the post on Friday.
4. Hi there...what are great idea! This is very nice of you 2 help people u don't's people like you that help the world be a better place:)
I would like to nominate my friend Nooshin who just had a baby girl talia on Tuesday,she had a very long hard labour and at the end of it had 2 have a c section...4kgs baby!!Her husband just lost his job last week...because they didn't have much work for him!This is there first baby and I have a few of your things so I know they would love this:)
Thank you.Xx
Sally Hilsden
* Thanks for the nomination Sally, what a story! Challenging times ahead for this wee family, and I hope things look up for them soon on the job front. Much love to you and your friend Nooshin and her husband and their new (big!) baby :-) Please let me know which nappywrap they'd like - poppy dot or blueberry spot - and it will be posted on Friday.
5. Can I be bad and nominate myself??? LOL
I deserve a free nappy wrap to match my carry-all, but cant afford one as my fiance's work hours just got cut.... And we lose 200bux a week in pay. So no luxuries for us :(
So I'd love to have one to be able to boast about ur products more than I do now when people comment on my carry all (red trimming)
Nikki Farimond
* While this nomination wasn't strictly following the guidelines, all of us here at the nic-nac studio have been aware for many months how much Nikki would like a nappywrap, and being such a huge supporter of nic-nac, we'd like to offer her one as she's going through tough times. Nikki - I hope your fiance finds more work hours soon and best of luck to you all! Which one would you prefer - poppy dot or blueberry spot? We hope this nic-nac nappywrap simplifies your life ... and thanks for being such a big fan :-)
Thanks to you all who were a part of this ... we'll be running another HELPING HAND soon, so remember to read the newsletters when they come (spring edition coming out very soon) to find out how to be involved.
Have a great week everyone!
Kylie xo
August 31, 2011
August 18, 2011
Winners of the PERTH PBC expo giveaways...
I love posts like this! It's all give give give ... and on a Friday too - yaay!
So, without further ado, the winners are ...
First prize - RRP $174.90 - nic-nac nappywrap & carry-all
Joanne Desilva
Second prize - RRP $79.90 - nic-nac miniwrap & change mat (not pictured)
Rebecca Newball
Third prize - RRP $54.95 - nic-nac pencilwrap & balloon ball
Rebecca Wall.
Please email to claim your prizes. Let us know your colour preference (choosing from poppy dot or blueberry spot) and your addresses, and there'll be nic-nac mail winging it's way to you asap!
Thanks to the rest of you who entered the giveaway, we'll be back in Perth next year for the PBC with another great competition! In the meantime, be sure to sign up for our newsletter (sent out seasonly) which has great offers, competitions and giveaways that only newsletter receivers get to hear about, and don't forget to like us on facebook, we love interacting with our customers and holding pop quiz's for great nic-nac prizes!
Have a great weekend everyone :-)
Kylie xo
So, without further ado, the winners are ...
First prize - RRP $174.90 - nic-nac nappywrap & carry-all
Joanne Desilva
Second prize - RRP $79.90 - nic-nac miniwrap & change mat (not pictured)
Rebecca Newball
Third prize - RRP $54.95 - nic-nac pencilwrap & balloon ball
Rebecca Wall.
Please email to claim your prizes. Let us know your colour preference (choosing from poppy dot or blueberry spot) and your addresses, and there'll be nic-nac mail winging it's way to you asap!
Thanks to the rest of you who entered the giveaway, we'll be back in Perth next year for the PBC with another great competition! In the meantime, be sure to sign up for our newsletter (sent out seasonly) which has great offers, competitions and giveaways that only newsletter receivers get to hear about, and don't forget to like us on facebook, we love interacting with our customers and holding pop quiz's for great nic-nac prizes!
Have a great weekend everyone :-)
Kylie xo
August 09, 2011
winner of the Perth $50 nic-nac dollars!
Drum roll please .... and the winner is .... Bec Firmstone !!
Congratulations Bec - please print out your voucher and bring it along with you to the PBC expo in Perth - and make sure you have some id on you also, we wouldn't want just anyone turning up to claim your prize!
To all of you who participated - thank you very much for being part of the fun, and please print out your $10 voucher to use at our stand which you'll find on our blog (it was mailed out with our newsletter today). If you haven't signed up for the newsletter already - make sure you do (you can do this on the home page of our website so you are the first to hear about competitions, giveaways, campaigns and new products and fabrics.
I'm so looking forward to meeting all the Perth people over the next few days - and have a great weekend everybody :-)
Kylie xo
Congratulations Bec - please print out your voucher and bring it along with you to the PBC expo in Perth - and make sure you have some id on you also, we wouldn't want just anyone turning up to claim your prize!
To all of you who participated - thank you very much for being part of the fun, and please print out your $10 voucher to use at our stand which you'll find on our blog (it was mailed out with our newsletter today). If you haven't signed up for the newsletter already - make sure you do (you can do this on the home page of our website so you are the first to hear about competitions, giveaways, campaigns and new products and fabrics.
I'm so looking forward to meeting all the Perth people over the next few days - and have a great weekend everybody :-)
Kylie xo
nic-nac nappywrap winter newsletter emailed out today. Did you receive yours? If not, read on ...
Having trouble reading this email? View it in your browser.
July 19, 2011
When one balloon just isn't enough!
My daughter has a whole bunch of them. Every time we bring a balloon ball out in a new fabric combo, she wants that one too! And that's perfect - she's a brilliant tester! At eight-years-old, she's pretty rough with them. We live in a cul-de-sac so they get kicked around for a little soccer, thrown into the hoop for netball practice, the boys in the street bounce them off each other's heads, and the littlest neighbours sit on them.

On a rainy day a balloon ball goes to school. Remember those rainy days at school and everyone had to stay inside? BORING! Well, my daughter's class LOVE it - Clover takes a balloon ball in her school bag, a little bit of puff and tie the balloon off, and the kids are all into it. Her teacher thinks it's great, it keeps the kids moving, engaged and laughing, and balloon balls are SAFE. They're not knocking things down, and they're something EVERYONE can enjoy together.
This month we have some new fabrics coming out ... and in celebration of love and luck, we've got a selection of CLOVER fabrics ... Clover's with bumble bees, clover's with love hearts, ladybugs, and on their own. Oh, and some stars, and rainbow love hearts too! Choosing fabrics is so fun, I can never get enough of it!
Which is why we've decided to extend our repertoire of our own nic-nac designed fabrics, and add to our collection. Because my other love is DESIGNING fabric! The signature nic-nac fabrics - the poppy dot and blueberry spot are fabrics we've designed and printed in the exact hues which we love, and now there are three more fabrics joining the party. While I can't show you just yet, I can give you a clue to one of them ... what might it have all over it?! You guessed it - CLOVER's! The fabrics will be ready by September, and will be available in our full range. nic-nac nappywraps, miniwraps, change mats, carry-alls, balloon balls and possibly even pencilwraps. Yeeehaaaa ... to celebrate their arrival we're going to run a fantastic competition - so keep a look out for it!
And on that note, the 1500 nic-nac facebook liker giveaway winners are ... DRUM ROLL PLEASE :-)
Sarah Misko
Christine Morris
Kate Manley
Amie Nicholson
Kathy Amanda Cantrell
Sarah Rowley
Lana Whittington
Melissa Allen
Tanene Maddies Mum Donnelly
Colleen Carpenter
Would all you winners please post your email addresses below, and your colour preference too (poppy dot or blueberry spot - you can find piccies here) and they'll be posted out this week!
Have a great week y'all!
See you on facebook for an awesome competition starting SOON!
Kylie xo
June 13, 2011
nic-nac . keep it simple . the pencilwrap is the way to go!
What is a nic-nac pencilwrap, and why is it better than a regular pencil roll?

Simple! Because it fits everything you need, and nothing you don't need!
12 coloured pencils or markers, some "grey lead's" (that's what my daughter calls them at school - back in my day we just called them regular pencils!) small stapler, small sticky-tape, erasers, stickers, notes, small ruler, notepad, and more!They can be machine-washed (cold water) when they get grubby (which, let's face it - anything where kids are involved, gets grubby!) and are so handy they can be used in almost any situation.
Personal favourites;
Handbag (or nappy bag) - whip out your pencilwrap when you're at a cafe, restuarant, meeting, bank - anywhere that your child needs to sit still quietly while you're occupied with something that needs your attention.
Car - keep it in the glove box or back-seat organiser, and there's always something fun to do while on short or long trips.
School bag (or tote tray) - keep pens and pencils neat and stops them getting lost! in a nic-nac pencilwrap there's a place for everything, so things don't go missing!

Head to the nic-nac pencilwrap page for more information, or to order now. For the month of June 2011, all pencilwraps come complete with notepad, erasers, grey leads and 12 coloured pencils.
But I haven't answered why they're better than a regular pencil roll yet... well, pencil rolls are great, there's no doubt about that. They encourage kids to put their pencils away (kids love creating the rainbow as they slot their pencils in each spot!) and keep things neat and tidy. But that's all they keep. So you still need a bag or pencilcase etc for your sharpener, eraser, note pad or colouring book and all that other "stuff"... that's why the nic-nac pencilwrap is so cool! It fits EVERYTHING you need and nothing you don't!
Here at the nic-nac studio we love stuff that is PRACTICAL and well-made. These are built to LAST!
Enter PBCSALE at checkout for 25% off (until June 30 2011) and we'll throw in a notepad, erasers, grey leads and 12 coloured pencils for good measure. Enjoy :-)
Kylie xo
p.s. my daughter (8) gives one of these to any of her friends having birthdays. boys or girls, young or really young, they are a great gift and so practical. One of these and a nic-nac balloon ball and she's chuffed with her present giving :-)
February 21, 2011
Kids Instyle - it was a blast!
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Our blueberry spot nappywrap collection on display... pity i can't figure out how to turn the pic around! |
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the nic-nac nappywrap display at kids instyle - come join our picnic?! xo |
February 11, 2011
new website - new piccies - good times!
Isn't it funny what excites different people... for me it's clean floors in my house, a day off to spend with my family, and new photos of nic-nac products! (many more things too - but not wanting to bore you with the long list!)
We were lucky enough to have the gorgeous gals from Giggles Photography do a photoshoot for us this week, (the 2nd they've done for nic-nac) and this time they used their own babies as the models (last shoot they were both pregnant!) so I'm sharing a few of my favourite shots - for the rest, head to our website. Thanks Josh and Peyton - you're both totally adorable! (and isn't that the most beautiful grass you've ever seen?!!!!)
Today we launch our new website, and are thrilled to be offering a launch special - 20% off the whole range (which we've never offered before!) for 48 hours... ending midnight 13th Feb 2011. There are lots of new ways for our beloved customers to save with nic-nac; we're offering a rewards system, cheaper postage with no packaging costs, and more... head over and see for yourselves and grab a bargain while you can! nic-nac nappywrap
Our theme for the year... simplify your life. Over the coming months we'll be sharing ideas and hope you'll share yours too - let's make 2011 less complicated so we can all spend more time with our families!
We were lucky enough to have the gorgeous gals from Giggles Photography do a photoshoot for us this week, (the 2nd they've done for nic-nac) and this time they used their own babies as the models (last shoot they were both pregnant!) so I'm sharing a few of my favourite shots - for the rest, head to our website. Thanks Josh and Peyton - you're both totally adorable! (and isn't that the most beautiful grass you've ever seen?!!!!)
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Peyton with a nic-nac poppy dot carry-all |
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Josh on a blueberry spot nappywrap |
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Peyton on a poppy dot nappywrap |
Our theme for the year... simplify your life. Over the coming months we'll be sharing ideas and hope you'll share yours too - let's make 2011 less complicated so we can all spend more time with our families!
♥ Kylie ♥
February 01, 2011
Kids Instyle - here we come!
Woooohooooo less than 2 weeks until we leave for our first trade show - kids instyle in Sydney, can't wait!
we're in serious preparation mode here in the nic-nac studio, and every day we've got new products arriving. photos below are of our new pencil wraps and baby change mats - they're available now on our website or head to and become a "liker"...
and the new change mats are available in the following colour combinations;
On sale this month we have the army fabric - nappywrap (save $10) and miniwrap (save $5)
Good luck to you all in north QLD awaiting the cyclone... we're all thinking of you down here on the north coast of NSW, as we struggle through a crazy heat wave - a bit of a shock after months and months of rain.
Here's to a better weather month for the whole country NEXT month! (and stay safe while we're coping through these next few days and weeks)
Kylie xo
we're in serious preparation mode here in the nic-nac studio, and every day we've got new products arriving. photos below are of our new pencil wraps and baby change mats - they're available now on our website or head to and become a "liker"...
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blue gingham pencilwrap |
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chocolate gingham with blue trim pencilwrap |
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chocolate gingham with red trim pencilwrap |
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funky flower pencilwrap |
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lime spot with pink trim pencilwrap |
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lime spot with red trim pencilwrap |
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minipink pencilwrap |
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tulip pencilwrap |
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red spot pencilwrap |
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red star pencilwrap |
On sale this month we have the army fabric - nappywrap (save $10) and miniwrap (save $5)
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army fabric in the miniwrap style |
Good luck to you all in north QLD awaiting the cyclone... we're all thinking of you down here on the north coast of NSW, as we struggle through a crazy heat wave - a bit of a shock after months and months of rain.
Here's to a better weather month for the whole country NEXT month! (and stay safe while we're coping through these next few days and weeks)
Kylie xo
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